Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to restore Tally Data from Auto backup?

Follow the following steps if you are getting Manager.900 error.

1. Press CTRL + ALT + R.
2. Select company
3. Select the backup version and enter.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BSNL Landline Broadband - Gateway IP

BSNL Landline Broadband - Gateway IP

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

TallyERP9 - How to recover company name in companies list

Steps to get company name in Tally company list.

1. Take backup of data folder.

2. Delete Company.900 from the folder which is not displayed in the list.

3. Copy CmpSave.900 and paste the same file in the folder.

4. Rename the copied file CmpSave - Copy.900 into Company.900.

Now the company name will be displayed in the list.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

How to fill a shape with a colour in Photoshop CS2?

1)"control+click" on the layer of the shape that you want to fill in. 

2) Once your shape is selected (has little marching ants around it), create a new layer (control+shift+n).

3) click on the foreground color selector, pick the color you want, and click "OK" .

4) Fill the selection with your color (Edit > Fill) or Shift+F5 select your foreground color as the choice for the fill.